Sunday, July 1, 2007

Newsflash: Hilary Duff is actually kind of cute...

I am loathe to admit it, but La Duff is looking pretty foxy in these photos from her performance on The Today Show this past week. The hair and makeup is super cute, the jewelry is blingin,' and that dress belongs in my closet, like now.

Considering how she used to look, this is even bigger news:
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How nice that she's finally grown into her dental work. But most importantly, she no longer looks like a goblin that tickles your feet in the middle of the night and lives under your clothes hamper. Which is like, a big improvement. Don't get me wrong, she still sucks, but at least she's easier on the eyes than her nonfamous sister. Which reminds me, why must Haylie Duff continuosly subject us to her horse-face? If my face looked like that I would rip it off and feed it to a dog.
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Actually, come to think of it, I would rather look like that woman that really did get the face transplant because her dog ate her face...she's way hotter than Haylie Duff. Haylie Duff is the ugliest person on the face of the planet.

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