Thursday, July 19, 2007

(Grudgingly) Victoria Beckham might not suck as much as previously imagined

So, the Victoria Beckham Coming to America special aired on Monday, and despite the seething rage which Vicky was greeted with by American critics, I have to admit, she actually doesn't suck as much as we all thought. Sure, she's self-obsessed, bitchy, superficial, condescending, and naive, but hey, I'm all of those things too, and I have a rather high opinion of myself. And anyone who calls out Perez Hilton for being the little bitch ass-kisser that he is deserves some credit, don't you think?

I'd say the highlight had to be when she was invited over to the neighbor's house for a "luncheon" attended by a bevy of aging Hollywood mistresses that consisted of imbibing spectacular amounts of alcohol and listening to her host make dolphin noises. I mean, how can you fault such genius? People that didn't like this show have no sense of humor whatsoever. They probably think puppies aren't cute either. And that Ann Coulter is a "perfectly nice human being." So, you know, they obviously can't be trusted.

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