Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tom Cruise is Jesus Christ?

According to the cult er, 'Church' of Scientology, Tom Cruise is Scientology's Jesus Christ. The 'leader' David Miscavige says that Cruise will be worshipped like Jesus for his work to raise awareness of the religion, and sources close to Tom have confirmed that “Tom has been told he is Scientology’s Christ-like figure."

How do they draw the comparison between Jesus Christ and Tom Cruise? Don't get me wrong, I'm Jewish, but it seems to me that Jesus is remembered for the nice stuff he did, and Tom Cruise will be remembered for what a fucking nut he was (and closet homosexual). On the upside, I can't think of a better way to scare people off of a religion than naming Tom Cruise it's model adherent. It'd be like Michael Vick being the spokesperson for a doggy day care facility. Tom Cruise is about as Christlike as the can of Coke on my desk. Only the can of Coke is more Christlike because it isn't a homophobic asshole.

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