Saturday, August 18, 2007

R Kelly is seriously a genius

This is what R Kelly had to say in lieu of an introduction to chapters 13-22 of his epic song/miniseries, 'Trapped in the Closet':
"Don't nobody ask me no questions I don't know how to explain how I wrote it. I'm tired of people asking me that because I can not explain this. I can explain any other song but I cant explain 'Trapped In The Closet'."

He also had this to say:
"It's an alien, People ask me why is it an alien and I say it's come down to show us new genres and new ways to produce movies, magic, song and dialogue which have all been put together, and has never been done as far as I'm concerned. I call that alien. And people ask me when 'Trapped In The Closet' is going to end and I say when the aliens decide to leave."

If you don't see why that's genius then I don't have anything to say to you. It can't be explained to a simpleton. You just have to accept that R Kelly is smarter, richer, and better looking than you. And that he has aliens telling him what to do. Shit, I don't know why, but I believe him.
Here's a preview of the explosiveness that is Chapters 13-22. Eat it up:

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