Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Meerkat Manor: The Next Generation

I don't think it's a coincidence that my other favorite show of all time is also "The Next Generation" (Degrassi, duh). The next generation takes what the first generation started and sexes it up.  Thus The Next Generation of Meerkat Manor is going to be filled with even more anthropomorphizing, raw drama, and tragic, often touching displays of courage. Must. Watch.

WTF?! I just watched a clip and the matriarch's name this season is Maybelline. Maybelline? Are you fucking serious? What kind of a tranny name is that?! There's no way this slut is going to be able to handle her shit like Flower could. RIP Flower. And yes, I know I need a life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I stopped watching Meerkat Manor when one was bitten by a snake and was left to suffer when clearly the people behind the camera could have done something. That was cruel as hell! Those people are sick f@*ks!