Monday, June 16, 2008

Two douches tour a douche factory

I can't think of a more appropriate place to find Horse-Face and Pube Beard than at an Ed Hardy factory. They pretty much personify the look that brand is going for: plastic, tranny hot mess. With skull rhinestones. I'd rather skin dead babies and sew sweaters out of them than have to wear this ugly shit.

Anyway, you know what this means...Speidi is getting their own clothing line: Speidi for Ed Hardy. I can see it now. At least this way it will tag all the douches for easy identification when the terrorists come a-knockin'. They can be our sacrificial lambs. They won't mind. The kind of ass tards that wear Ed Hardy believe in God anyway. They believe they'll ascend to a heaven where club music plays nonstop and they can rub their genitals on Ferraris all day. Everybody wins.

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