Friday, May 2, 2008

Lindsay isn't laughing--but I am

The American Beverage Institute (aka the people that hire lobbyists in Washington to make sure we have the right to drink ourselves to death) took out a full page ad in USA Today attacking people who want Ignition interlocks (a breathalyzer) installed in every car in America. And they used Hohan's face to make their point. Which she doesn't like very much. Her lawyer is already working overtime. He released this statement:
"USA TODAY is idiotic for running such an irresponsible advertisement, suggesting that drinking and driving is some kind of American "tradition" we should protect. Not identifying that this ad was paid for by the liquor industry is profoundly reckless.

Drunk, old, white businessmen, drunk cougars out for girls night out, and drunkwedding parties should be kept off the roads of America. Lindsay Lohan fully endorses ignition interlock devices that have been well-proven to save lives."

Uhh, is that a statement? Seriously? Whoa, I respect this guy. He obviously smokes mad blunts in the morning before work and then comes up with awesome shit like this. But whatever. First of all, it's USA Today, and luckily the drunk sluts that read that paper won't hold it against Linds if she likes to knock back a few every now and then. And second of all, this is hilarious shit. Hohan should just be glad that her used-up hooker face is still relevant in some contexts. Like encouraging drinking and driving. Wheeeee!!!

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