Monday, October 1, 2007

And now the inevitable...

In the I-saw-this-coming-from 8,000,000-miles-away news, Britney lost custody of her kids today to the Federdouche. The ruling is only temporary until further notice of the court, but I'm afraid to say that K Fed has this one in the bag. The only way he could possibly make himself look worse than Britney is if he walked into the courtroom wearing a purple pimp suit with a 12-year-old girl in a bikini on each arm and a sign around their necks that reads: "$5 OBO." Short of that, he doesn't really have to do anything except hope that Britney keeps being Britney. And the chances of that are exactly 220%. I know because I'm a scientist and I calculated the probability using complex algorithms. It's way over your head.

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