Sunday, June 24, 2007

Angelina Jolie looks like a bobble-head doll

Okay, Angie is hot. I'm not here to dispute that. A six-month-old blind baby could tell that she's hot. She's just hot. But I'm wondering what her rationale could be for getting so positively gaunt that her head actually just seems to be getting larger... At this point, I'm not even noticing how skinny her arms or legs look, I'm just thinking, "Wow, has her head always been that big? Her forehead? And my god, look at those teeth. They're HUGE."

If god had had the heart to bless me with an ample busom and curves that could end wars and cure sick children, you can bet your ass I wouldn't be fucking it all up like she is. Eat something woman! Don't you and Brad want to have like, 14 kids or something? I'd be surprised if you were even fertile in the state you're in. It is positively tragic. And that vein that runs up your forehead every time you smile is starting to scare me too. My prescription is a month of Big Macs and Whopper Jrs, no diet coke allowed. No vegetables allowed, either. Just red meat and processed white bread. Oh, and cheese. Lots and lots of cheese.

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