Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Hills returns--in fine form

The Hills returned Monday night, and it was filled with all the fake drama, awkward silences, and monumentally vapid social discourse we've come to expect! If you have to ask what happened, you obviously aren't very familiar with the show. Nothing ever really happens. That's the whole point. It's like a dumbed-down version of Seinfeld for gentiles.

For me, the most exciting part was seeing scenes from upcoming episodes that showed the return of Justin Bobby. I thought he left because he couldn't handle the cameras. Oh well, the important thing is that he's back and he didn't cut his hair. I can't wait until he says something awesome like, "Your friends don't fathom me..." and then burps in Audrina's face.

I now have something to live for besides watching The Wire on DVD.

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