Thursday, August 21, 2008

Spaghetti Cat!

A rep for Fox finally solved the mystery of Spaghetti Cat! Basically it was a completely random image of a cat eating spaghetti that popped up during a broadcast of The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet. They were discussing binge drinking and all of a sudden, without warning or provocation, the picture of Spaghetti Cat flashed on the screen. After a few seconds it went back to some teen sluts talking about binge drinking again. According to Fox's spokesbitch, Fox will show that image every time someone uses inappropriate language. They call it the new "bleep photo." 

I hope they have Denise Richards on that show soon. That way we'll get to see as much of Spaghetti Cat as possible. Hell, we'd see more of Spaghetti Cat than we would of Denise's fug face.

1 comment:

Daniel Casares Román said...

hahahaha muy muy divertido!!